Brisbane has an ageing population. Increased housing choice and opportunities for ‘ageing in place’ are keenly sought after by the city’s older residents. This fact was recognised in the Independent Recommendation Report of the Lord Mayor’s Taskforce into Retirement and Aged Care produced in December 2008. The report recommends that opportunities be provided to “meet changing needs, including housing needs, associated with ageing within local communities” (Lord Mayor’s Taskforce into Retirement and Aged Care, 2008:6).
According to the Australian Government’s, 2015 Intergenerational Report, “the number of Australians aged 65 and over is projected to more than double by 2054-55”. Brisbane is highly likely to follow this national ageing boom trend, but where does the planning scheme intend for these developments to occur? Generally, a code level of assessment is a good indication that a land use is strategically intended for a zone. Retirement Facilities and Residential Care Facilities are code assessable (where they meet certain criteria for example, building height provisions) in the following zones:
- Low-medium Density Residential Zone (Retirement Facility only);
- Medium Density Residential Zone;
- High Density Residential Zone;
- Principle Centre Zone;
- Major Centre Zone;
- District Centre Zone;
- Neighbourhood Centre Zone;
- Community Facilities Zone: Health Care Purposes Zone Precinct;
- Community Facilities Zone: Major Health Care Zone Precinct (Residential Care Facility only); and
- Mixed Use Zone.
Some Neighbourhood Plans specify that Retirement Facilities and Residential Care Facilities can be code assessable in the following locations:
- Banyo-Nudgee Neighbourhood Plan – Nudgee north sub-precinct and Nudgee south precinct, where in the Emerging Community Zone; and
- Lower Oxley Creek South Neighbourhood Plan (if on a site 3,000m2 or greater).
The Residential Care Facility code supports development that is located in higher density areas and within easy walking distance of high-frequency public transport.
Do you need a Development Advisor or Town Planner for your next development? Call (07) 3319 4933 and speak with one of our experienced planners today about the town planning requirements for retirement and aged care facilities in Brisbane or to assist you in due diligence assessments.