David Burke
David is a Registered Land Surveyor, having joined Jensen Bowers following graduation in 1986. In 2000 David was appointed Surveying Director.
David’s 30 years of industry experience equips him to oversee all facets of Jensen Bowers’ technical expertise, information technology, quality assurance and professional development. David’s experience and knowledge of managing teams on many high profile projects is invaluable when balancing operational and business requirements.
David has developed expertise in conceptual design and development of large scale land subdivisions and Community Title Schemes and specialist knowledge and experience with all forms of surveying including volumetric surveys, infrastructure projects, high-rise construction, commercial and industrial development.
David’s professional affiliations include memberships to the Spatial Science Institute Australia and Institute of Surveyors Australia, Qld Division.
Contact David T 07 3319 9402 M 0411 599 515 Email