JBgeoimage – Applied Spatial Intelligence are celebrating recent successes with the award and delivery of a range of exciting projects around the world. We are also celebrating a combined 140 years of business operations that provides the platform for taking the business from strength to strength in 2019.

The combined businesses offer an in-house technology stack unique to Australasia – everything from traditional construction and cadastral surveying through to 3D scanning and modelling, UAV surveys, aerial photogrammetry, satellite imagery and data analytics. We are the leading provider of spatial services. We focus exclusively on delivering the latest spatial technologies to benefit our clients and their projects.

JBgeoimage has the resources, skills and experience to manage large scale, complex spatial challenges whether they be located in Brisbane or Gold Coast, Pilbara, Africa, Kazakhstan or Greenland. JBgeoimage has the spatial solution.

Our industry sectors include property | construction | infrastructure | mining | agriculture | environment | government.

Jensen Bowers recent project success:

  • City of Gold Coast Stormwater Drainage –  surveyed for Burchills Engineering and Gold Coast City Council JB provided stormwater infrastructure data to inform flood investigations of the city’s existing stormwater infrastructure and impacts in major storm event.
  • Aurizon Redbank Rail Yards – 100ha surveyed for Goodman with the latest UAV LiDAR to capture a full colour point cloud of the site and its surrounding areas.
  • Gold Coast Airport Terminal Upgrade – awarded surveying & dilapidation services for Lend Lease on this landmark project.
  • TMR Ingham Highway Upgrade – awarded survey of 15km of highway using on-ground and UAV technology.
  • Mary River Project – engaged by AECOM, Jensen Bowers provided survey data for the Lake MacDonald Upgrade works (3D scanning & BIM modelling)
  • Bris1 South Brisbane – completed construction survey for 3 high-rise towers constructed by Hutchinson for Developer R & F Properties.
  • South City Square Stage 3, Woolloongabba – This stage of the mixed use project for Pellicano is nearing completion. Volumetric and Building Format Plans will soon be lodged for plan sealing with BCC.

City of Gold Coast Stormwater Drainage

Aurizon Rail Yard

Geoimage recent project success:

    • Greenland Mining Exploration – supplied archived satellite imagery over 1300sqkm.
    • Bribie Island Environmental Study – supplied fresh satellite imagery and completed 500sqkm 4 band spectral analysis.
    • Peru Mine Planning – supplied fresh capture satellite imagery and completed 50cm DEM and SWIR analytics.
    • Burkina Faso Mine Exploration – supplied fresh capture satellite imagery and completed SWIR analytics.
    • Pilbara Riparian Vegetation Study – supplied fresh capture satellite imagery and vegetation monitoring 3rd year.
    • Ivory Coast Mine Planning – supplied fresh capture satellite imagery and completed 1m DEM

Hi Resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Kalgoorlie Super Pit

Worldview-3 30cm Imagery Draped over the 30cm DSM – Greenland

There is much discussion around all things BIM (Building Information Modelling) in part motivated by Qld government initiatives such as “Digital Enablement for Qld Infrastructure – Principles for BIM Implementation, Nov 2018”.

We encourage our clients and the broader industry to engage with this policy.  In short the policy considers projects with an estimated cost of $50m or more should be BIM’d where the detailed business case commences from 1 July 2019 and beyond 2023 the application of these principles will be progressively expanded to all built assets. This is not some futuristic concept.  This is here and now!

Without exaggeration this is a challenge of immense proportions. When you consider the necessary investment in people, skills, IT, work practices, industry standards, data ownership and cyber security to create a resource base within Australia capable of meeting the demand for services even by 2023 – it is simply mind boggling. But surprising for some we do not see this as a technology challenge as much as a leadership challenge. The raw technology exists today but without the necessary leadership we are going nowhere fast. Perhaps what we should be asking is “How far behind best practice are we prepared to accept”.

If you are venturing into the world of BIM then you are probably struggling with how far do we commit.  How much change can we manage.  A simple internet search will bring you to the “D’s”. The perplexing question is how many “D’s” do we need.  7D generally refers to modelling the following parameters: X, Y, Z, time, cost, sustainability, facilities management.

Despite the challenge of implementing 7D BIM it really is short sighted. It misses the most valuable and powerful dimension which at JBgeoimage we refer to as the infinite data dimension or D.  A BIM7D approach seems to be primarily focused on the physical asset as the end game.

If you think of it in accounting terms physical assets depreciate but conversely data appreciates – the more you collect, analyse and interpret to create actionable insights, the greater its value over time.

The power of these actionable insights are then turbo-charged with the addition of artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML) and neural networks (NN). With this added capability we can interrogate data around known parameters but importantly we can seek out and define unknown parameters taking us from a state of “not knowing what we don’t know” to “knowing what we don’t know”. This is all powerful. Whoever masters this will be in control. Think Alphabet, Google and Facebook.

So if you are contemplating whether your organisation should be involved in BIM and how many “D’s” you can digest, think beyond, because spatial leaders are contemplating the power of data driving their business into the future. This is our future reality. A reality much closer than many imagine and those ill equipped to adapt to the new data narrative will struggle for relevance.

So where are you on the BIM continuum?

Are you focussed on the D’s or the end game ∞D?

At JBgeoimage : ∞D (InfinitD) = 7D (X, Y, Z, Cost, Time, Sustainability, FM) + AI 

Congratulations to the Queensland Government’s Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning for releasing the Digital Enablement for Queensland Infrastructure – Principles for BIM implementation policy.

This policy states the scope, objectives and principles for the implementation of the digital Building Information Model (BIM) approach for all new major state infrastructure projects from 1 July 2019. The digital BIM approach allows for connectivity to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Asset Management Systems to include both vertical (building), and linear (transport and utilities), infrastructure projects. It is envisaged by 2023 the application of the principles will be expanded to all state government infrastructure assets.

Jensen Bowers | Geoimage endorse and support this much anticipated and progressive policy which will deliver measurable benefits for the full lifecycle of state government owned, and managed, assets.

As industry leaders in applied spatial intelligence, and trusted advisors to the vertical and linear infrastructure sector, Jensen Bowers | Geoimage are working with likeminded industry professionals, and businesses, while investing in the training of people and implementing smart technology to build a unique BIM, GIS and Asset Modelling capability.

Jensen Bowers | Geoimage look forward to working with the Queensland State Government to assist in the implementation of the policy.

The policy can be viewed via this link www.dsdmip.qld.gov.au/bim

Exciting news that North Harbour has been awarded the title of Best Residential Subdivision in Queensland, in the 2018 Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) QLD Awards for Excellence. Jensen Bowers is proud to have provided professional land surveying services to the North Harbour development and to be part of an excellent team creating an award-winning community.

We would like to congratulate Peter Lightbody, the North Harbour Team, Consultants, Contractors and all involved on this incredible achievement.

Read the North Harbour and North East Business Park Press Release by clicking here.

As town planners, surveyors and development advisors, the Jensen Bowers’ team come across several sites daily, often off-market opportunities. Jensen Bowers have had success in the past in assisting their clients with securing sites and have now formalised a process to assist in finding suitable projects for our clients. We have two approaches:

  1. Connect clients with sites that another client is looking to sell (sites on our books)
  2. Specifically search for off market opportunities tailored to a client’s requirements

New Appointment

The broadening of this service offering coincides with the recent addition of Michael Giraldo to the Jensen Bowers’ team, a fully licensed real estate agent and town planner. Michael has been in the property industry for close to a decade with experience in project marketing, development site sales and town planning. Michael is also Director and Principal of Giraldo Property which assists the Jensen Bowers team with their service offering. This experience brings a unique perspective to the Jensen Bowers’ team further instilling the commercial focus of the business by providing our clients with far more than just technical solutions.

Delivering Results

A recent example of the value that this service offering has provided our clients is a site in Ipswich (pictured). A client came to us seeking a highest and best use study to be conducted over the 19.2Ha parcel of land. In conducting these investigations Jensen Bowers appointed expertise across our team including town planning, surveying and urban design services. Once the investigations were completed, our client expressed interest in divesting their land holding. We were able to secure a deal with an existing client, a well-established development group highly active in the area. Jensen Bowers have now been appointed as consultants to progress the development, offering town planning, surveying and urban design services.

JB Difference

This highlights the key difference between Jensen Bowers’ site finding service from other buyer’s agents as we integrate our existing service offerings (town planning, surveying and development advisory) with knowledge of the real estate process to conduct swift due diligence and commercial solutions in-house. Our dedicated team are here to assist in finding your next development opportunity, get in touch to discuss your project requirements today.

Gazettal of State Environmental Planning Policy (Educational Establishments & Child Care Facilities) 2017

On Friday 1 September 2017, the New South Wales government gazetted the State Environmental Planning Policy (Educational Establishments & Child Care Facilities) 2017 (SEPP). This policy relates to child care centres, schools, universities and TAFE establishments. The primary purpose of the SEPP is to more effectively facilitate the delivery of educational establishments throughout NSW.

With respect to child care there are a number of key points to note, which include:

  • Where a proposed child care centre doesn’t comply with the minimum unencumbered outdoor and/or internal space requirements under the National Regulations, Council must now refer the DA to the NSW Regulatory Authority for concurrence.
  • Councils cannot grant consent to a proposal for a child care centre not providing the minimum unencumbered internal and/or external areas without concurrence by the Regulatory Authority, unless the latter fails to get back to them within 28 days of the referral.
  • Councils must now take into consideration the Childcare Centre Guideline as part of its assessment.
  • The minimum unencumbered indoor and outdoor requirements under the National Regulations and Supplementary Regulations are now non-discretionary development standards. The purpose of this is that if a proposal meets the minimum areas, then Councils cannot require any more onerous requirements, for example, they cannot insist on a greater outdoor and/or indoor area than what the Regulations currently require. On the flip side, if a proposal doesn’t comply, Councils may start using this as a reason to refuse a DA for child care.
  • The following reports and/or considerations are now not required to be provided as part of a DA for a child care centre if there are controls requiring their provision within a Council Development Control Plan: provision of a plan of management; demonstrated needs assessment; identification of proximity to other child care facilities; and any matter relating to Parts 2 & 4 of the Child Care Planning Guideline (except building height, setbacks and car parking).
  • For proposals within industrial zones, reverse amenity considerations will be made i.e. will a child care centre restrict the operation of industrial uses, which will take precedent?

To read the new legislation please click here.

You can view our recent child care centre projects here.

For more information, or for advice on your next Child Care Centre development, please call 07 3852 1771 to speak to a Jensen Bowers Town Planner today. 


The new South East Queensland Regional Plan 2017, ShapingSEQ, came into effect on Friday 11 August 2017.

ShapingSEQ sets a framework for growth within the region roughly bounded by Noosa to the north, Toowoomba to the west and the NSW border to the south.

The plan provides a regional framework for growth management and introduces a fifty-year vision that strives to achieve sustainable growth, build a globally competitive economy and produce high-quality living. The plan also maintains a twenty-five-year planning framework that underpins its planning strategies.

Jensen Bowers Senior Planner, Andrew McLean, has closely followed the development and evolution of this plan, and has said: “While there has been some new land supply added to the urban footprint, the main focus is on infill development and urban consolidation. This will provide diversity of housing where the demand is to take advantage of existing infrastructure and protect our natural greenspaces”.

Some key changes under this plan include:

  • Expected population growth of 2 million people and 1 million jobs by 2041.
  • ShapingSEQ identifies future expansion land supply in the Urban Footprint on a 60 per cent consolidation and 40 per cent expansion supply ratio. This replaces the previous plan’s 50/50 ratio.
  • Beyond the twenty-five-year planning framework, ShapingSEQ estimates that the 60/40 consolidation to expansion rate may potentially change to 70/30 or 80/20 dependant on any future relevant findings in the SEQ Growth Monitoring Program.
  • The Urban Footprint contains areas that are yet to be developed and the plan estimates that up to about 70 per cent of these fragmented areas overall will be developed by 2041 as part of accommodating the dwelling supply benchmarks.
  • Promotion of greater housing choice. This is illustrated through the ‘missing middle’ style housing, which includes row and terrace housing, townhouses and low-rise apartments.
  • Large residential expansion areas – dwelling capacity expected to remain in 2041. Ripley Valley (30,000), Beerwah East (13,000), Greater Flagstone (19,000) and Caboolture West (9,000).
  • The Urban Footprint covers around 327,500 hectares of land or about 14 per cent of the region. An additional 8,200 hectares has been added to planned growth areas.

For more information on ShapingSEQ, please visit the Queensland Government’s State Planning website.

Should you have any questions on how ShapingSEQ affects you, please call Andrew McLean on 07 3852 1771 to discuss further.

Experienced Town Planner in Brisbane and Moreton Bay region

Jensen Bowers Senior Planner, Andrew McLean

Moreton Bay Regional Council has introduced an infill development incentives policy commencing from the 1st July 2017.

The incentives are available for a range of developments within targeted areas of Strathpine, Caboolture, and along the Redcliffe Peninsula Rail Corridor.

The policy includes waiving of application fees and infrastructure charges. Development is to have been approved under the current MBRC Planning Scheme and to have substantially commenced by 31 December 2019. Eligible uses include:

  • Student accommodation;
  • Mixed use building;
  • Multiple dwelling (minimum 20 units and minimum 3 storeys);
  • Short-term accommodation;
  • Retirement facility; and
  • Residential care facility.

Senior Planner, Andrew McLean of Jensen Bowers, recently completed a six-month secondment in the Planning Department of Moreton Bay Regional Council, and said the areas of Caboolture and Strathpine are major centres in the region and have the existing infrastructure capacity and services to cater for “significant development”.

“The new Redcliffe Peninsula Rail Corridor has been a substantial investment and incentivising development within this area should help to drive growth in the region,” Andrew said.

Andrew has now returned to Jensen Bowers’ Brisbane office in full-time capacity and is looking forward to working with clients to achieve their development goals. His comprehensive and applied knowledge of, and experience working within, the MBRC Planning scheme will be a significant advantage for clients looking to develop within the region.

You can find more information about this policy on the Moreton Bay Regional Council website, by clicking here.

Please contact Jensen Bowers’ Planning Team on 07 3852 1771 for more information and to discuss how we can assist in delivering your next project.

Jensen Bowers, in collaboration with Calibre Consulting and Geoimage, is pleased to invite our clients and industry peers to attend the New Frontiers in Land Analysis workshop in Brisbane.

Join us to learn how advances in satellite and mapping technology are changing the way land use professionals assess development potential.

Understanding land use potential is becoming more and more complex, with multiple overlays and considerations impacting what can or cannot be done with certain sites. But rapid advances in technology are making this easier and expanding our knowledge of site potential. This free workshop covers advances in digital mapping, the future of satellite imagery and land use information, and what this will mean for the development potential of sites.

The workshop will be presented by:

  • Mark Edwards, Geoimage: The Digital Revolution; Harnessing emerging technology for spatial analysis. What Geoimage has learnt about the latest advancements.
  • Tony Evans, Jensen Bowers: BIM5D and emerging technologies.
  • Mal McCann, Calibre Consulting: A review of the sources of land use intelligence and capacity, and how to bring it all together.

Date: Thursday, 13 July 2017

Time: 4.00pm – 5.00pm Presentation and Q&A, with networking drinks to follow.

Location: Calibre’s office, Ground Floor, 545 Queen Street, Brisbane.

RSVP Click here to register

Over the past week, Jensen Bowers’ Town Planning team hosted a series of Planning Reform roundtables to inform clients and industry associates about how the new State planning regime will affect their business.

The event brought together industry leaders and professionals from key organisations in planning, architecture and engineering sectors, to collectively discuss the key changes and challenges expected after the commencement of the Planning Act 2016 (Planning Act) and associated instruments on 3 July 2017.

The events saw guest speakers, Mr Rayne Nelms from Thomson Geer Lawyers, and Mr Gerard Timbs from Holding Redlich Lawyers, address the attendees providing in-depth insight and expert opinion, with Rayne articulating the view, that “whilst there are a lot of individual changes, fundamentally not a lot is changing in this new Act”.

“The major positive is the increased flexibility to change applications [formerly permissible changes] in removing submitter criteria and the ability to lodge major change applications”, Rayne added.

Gemma Greenhalgh, JB Planning Manager, led the roundtable discussions and welcomed the amendments to the new Act, saying “There are a lot of tweaks to the existing framework – for the most part, they are welcomed. There are a handful of traps to be aware of as well. The theory behind the changes is commended and it remains to be seen how the local governments will implement some of these”.

Jensen Bowers would like to thank everyone who attended the sessions, and contributed to the overall success of the event. “We are delighted by the support and turnout from our clients and industry peers”, Gemma said.

A sentiment shared by Greg Wilson, Director of Equis Group who said, “the event was very useful and informative”.

Jensen Bowers’ Planning team has extensively reviewed the new legislation and are well positioned to use their detailed working knowledge and 100+ years of property development experience to best represent clients’ interests.

For advice about the new Act, please call Jensen Bowers on 07 3852 1771 and speak to Gemma Greenhalgh or Emmett Herps to discuss how the regime may impact your projects.

To express your interest in attending any future events about the Planning Reform, please email Jane Zewe, Marketing Coordinator, for more information.